Dylan Crawshaw
3 min readJan 23, 2021


Quick SEO upgrades for you WordPressSite

  1. Add an SEO plugin to your site. One of the best options is Yoast. It has both a free and paid version that can greatly benefit your SEO efforts. The free version is a little bit more limited but still packs quite a punch. Internal linking and redirecting is an important thing to focus on in SEO optimization. In the premium version, you can even preview your page’s search snippet as it would look in a google search. Yoast also lets you set a focus keyword for each page. It scans your page and even gives you pointers on keyword density, readability, title, header tags, and more.
  2. Check your links — try using Webmaster Tools by google to optimize your site. There you can scan your website and check for site errors. You can also check your sitemap. You really really really don’t want 404 errors(broken links) directing to your site.

3. A key component to SEO is gaining relevancy. The main way to do this is to gain backlinks directing to your site. One way to do this is to get featured in a third party blog. That might sound difficult. But one way to accomplish this is to offer to write a free blog post for another site’s blog that adds value to both you and them.

4. Make sure your site is super smooth when it comes to mobile presentation. It is a mobile-first world and you need to make mobile the number one design priority. Through a mobile device is the number one way people search the internet these days.

5. Figure out ways to get returning traffic to your site. Check your analytics daily and see why and where people are returning to your site.

6. Speed up the time it takes your site to load. A super slow website will negatively impact the way users interact with your site and fewer people will stick around. One way to do this is to optimize your images. They need to be compressed and sized appropriately.

7. Just start a blog, it really is a great tool to generate leads and engage with people who visit your site.

8. It might seem counter-intuitive but add outbound links really increase the credibility of your site. Any facts on your site, back them up with links to sources of authority.

9. Use lots of keywords but not too many…

Make sure to include them in your deaders and image captions. Here is a great opportunity to try and rank for long-tail keywords.

10. It's okay to have a little clickbait, that meaning write interesting titles. Load up your titles with keywords but keep them short.

Well, there are some quick SEO improvements you can make to your site. For more information check out.

